4:40 PM

someone please give me a glass of wine!

i'm pretty sure my stress level over the past 2 months was off the charts! Thankfully my daily routine is starting to slow down. Eventhough my days are a little less stressful, my nights have turned in to sleepless ones. Dr. Graham said that a glass of wine a night is absolutely fine....i have avoided all drinks thus far, but I am now strongly considering my options!!

This past Friday was my last day working at Bay Point Marriott as I have moved on to a new stage in my life and career. Being 7 months pregnant and the only wedding coordinator to dozens and dozens of brides, it began to take a toll on me physically, mentally and finally emotionally. It always amazes me how God opens door when you least expect it! Knowing what I love to do but also knowing where my priorities are, I was given the wonderful opportunity to join forces with Kimberly Bartoli who owns Elegant Beginnings Weddings and Events. Not only am I still able to do what I love, by I'm able to work from home. Nothing beats working in your slippers! Not only am I able to be at home and take care of myself self and Brayden, but I am able to do what I love. I don't think I could have asked for anything better!

After years of searching, God finally led Jared and I to our new church home. For the past few months we have been attending Northstar Church and absolutely love it! Small group sign up is coming up and we're excited to get plugged-in! I've missed being apart of a church that I know it is where God truly wants me to be. After not being involved in a church for quite some time, I realized how hungry I really was for that close fellowship. Not only do we love the church but we have met such wonderful people! I'm excited for what God has in

well, we are now less than 90 days away from the big day! i know that i continue to say how I can't believe time has gone by so fast, but i really am not kidding! Everyone keeps saying how i don't even look like I'm that far along....I'm sure all th
ose comments are going to catch up to me soon! If the past 2 weeks are any indication of what the next 2 1/2-3 months are going to be like, I'm in for a long, hot, sleepless and uncomfortable 3rd trimester and Jared is in for one expensive electric bill! Of course I had to be pregnant during the summer and in the the hottest and most humid state! in preparation for the little bundle that will change life as we know it, Jared and I have been getting everything organized. Today, my long awaited baby bag arrived. After much debate and many reviews, i finally ordered the Rowdy bag and am in love! I couldn't be more happy with my selection! Jared refused to care around a huge baby bag that looks like a purse so i bought him his very own. While my mom was here, she bought us the baby stroller and car seat we had registered.


the travel system we registered for was one we soon found out was not very easy to handle nor was it conducive
to any situation involving a screaming baby! So after finding out all this information, Jared and I returned the one we had for a different one. this time I made sure to read up on my reviews!

well now that i am home more often, i have relieved Jared of his mr. mom duties. it's now back to being the "good wife" i once was and have dinner ready for when Jared gets home.

Tasks for the rest of the evening:

  • laundry
  • vaccuuming
  • watching Project Runway and drinking a glass of Cabernet
  • (hopefully) a good nights rest!

8:35 PM

trapped within the bump

can you believe I am almost finished with my 2nd trimester! AHHH! last night jared and I were watching tv and there was a couple talking about how they could have a little one in 3 years or so. I looked at jared and was like, "isn't it crazy that we are going to have a baby in just 3 months!!!"

time is flying by, but i couldn't be more excited!!

now that i am 26 weeks, brayden is moving about as if he is doing everything he can to escape. no matter what time of the day it is, you will find him busily doing his thing. as exciting as it is to see him moving and know that he's ok, it's a little odd seeing your stomach move is such strange ways. yesterday i was home sick so lulu, callie and i were on the couch most of the day. i had lu laying her head on my stomach and she was quite disturbed when brayden decided to wake and woke her up as well. she didn't know what to think. every time she layed her head on my stomach, she received a good kick in the nose. i couldn't help but laugh!! with all the movement my attention was diverted from the tv to the bump. no lie....it looked like he was trying to push his way out as i was being kicked and punch punched all over the place. the feeling is quite unexplainable. it feels as though your on a roller coaster and dropped 200 ft. it's a very exhilarating feeling. my sister gets a kick out of it but after watching for a bit she gets a little freaked out over the whole thing.

with all his moving about, i think the funniest and most impressive part is how he will be sound asleep and once he hears music he goes nuts....especially when we are in church and the worship band starts playing. jared and i are convinced he is going to be a little rock star. i told jared i would love for him to be a musician but only under certain circumstances:
1. he must shower on a regular basis...none of this greasy business!
2. he is a boy....i will not be buying him jeans from the girls section. i refuse to have my son wearing tighter jeans than his mother (not that i wear tight jeans...but you get the picture)
3. not that it matters what he does, as long as he does it with great passion!!!

oh, the joys that await us! I can't wait!

at this rate, if this little boy has his way he will be breaking free before October 25th!