10:32 AM

from our home to yours

3:04 PM

steel city

we may live in the redneck riveria, however that doesn't mean our hearts don't still bleed black and gold! baby b and i are ready to watch our beloved pittsburgh steelers take on the number 1 seat for the playoffs. "Here we go...Pittsburgh's going to the Superbowl!"

11:32 AM

sapna + guido

as many of you know, the month of november was full of indian and ethnic weddings. what an eventful and exciting experience it was! sapna and guido were so wonderful to work with. indian weddings are full of traditions, rich with vibrant colors and never a dull moment!

climie+co (click link to view pictures) from atlanta, took pictures from the entire weekend's events and did an amazing job.

here are a few pictures i took that will take your breath away:

sangeet (friday evening's event):

wedding ceremony:

saturday evening's reception:

11:28 AM

christmas giggles

as if this poor little guy has not been blinded by the camera flash enough, mommy had to go and mess with him again last night. he is a trooper!

8:12 PM

genya's vue of baby b

to say that i am totally stoked about tomorrow's photo shoot with genya from vue photography is a complete understatement! i fell in love and became a bit obsessed with genya and her work before ever meeting her or working with her. i'm sure you are all aware of this due to my incessant chatter about her. strangely odd i know, but it is the honest to goodness truth. she is amazing and her work is unbelievable.....hence to plethera of accolades! being the sweet friend she is, she offered to do a family shoot absolutely free....because we all know i could never afford her magic!

so here i am the night before the big day and rather nervous! have you ever tried to plan a multiple wardrobe change for a photo shoot for your entire family? thank goodness i don't have more kids, i would have given up by now...not to mention bald! perhaps i'm being ridiculous, but i think i care more about these pictures than my own wedding pictures...which by the way i was not impressed with.

back to my dilemmas: blue or black pants? polo or button up? curly or straight hair? pants or dress?

too many choices. i must go decide.

12:30 AM

you might be a redneck.......

i've come to realize that weddings are a free for all...you never know what to expect and at times will never be able to prepare for what may happen.

example 1: the wedding ceremony has begun. turn around to send the first bridesmaid down the aisle.
problem: bridal party is M.I.A.
location: the bar taking shots
solution: yank shot out of hand and loudly reprimand
result: drunk bridesmaid falls down stairs on @$$ while walking down the aisle

example 2: you know you are in for it when the first guest to walk through the door is a man wearing holy jeans, a nasty flannel shirt, has a ratty mangled ponytail and when asked what he would like to drink asks for a "natty light."

example 3: wedding guests ask for to-go boxes to go through the buffet line.

example 4: there is something horribly wrong when people over the age of 50 begin grinding on each other on the dance floor and try to dance dirty....the fact that all rhythm is obsolete is the least of anyone's concern at this point. please. if you are old, no one wants to see you trying to act like a horny 17 year old in front of the poor flower girl. not to mention, most would appreciate to not have their already digested wedding cake resurface.

enough said.

9:51 PM


he has captured my heart

7:19 PM

ordinary day

you know how you'll be going about your day and a song pops into your head that you heard while watching tv? that's the story of my life...or should i say song? anyways, you get the point. when a song fron a show or commerical is forever embedded in my memory, i end up searching franticly for the download.

this was my latest search. the bounce fabric softener commercial...with the girl in the subway with the blue t-shirt that comes to life.......yes, that one.

emilie mover. mission accomplish.

2:34 PM

pottery bar

last tuesday i went to the pottery bar with a couple girls from church to paint pottery with our kid's hand/foot prints for christmas presents. we had so much fun that jared and i went back on wednesday night for their buy one get one promo to make christmas presents for our families. brayden did surprisingly well as we lathered paint on his little piggies. not only we were able to acomplish the task of finding christmas presents for everyone but it was a great little family outing!

2:26 PM

my little peanut

last night we learned that brayden found his new favorite place. his peanut shell. until now i wasn't able to use it due to nursing and it not fitting....if you know what i mean. had i registered for a larger size i could have put this sucker on and had 2 free hands. i must say i have learned to do and accomplish a lot with just one hand!

i suppose i don't have an excuse anymore for not cleaning the house.

12:28 PM

feeding fiascoes

since brayden was born, the only issue we've had to battle is his reflux. and a battle it has been. poor little guy has had a hard time keeping his food down. we've had to try many different routes, but i'm starting to wonder if this is something he is just going to have to grow out of.....and no solution until then.

we found that bottles worked better than nursing. Formula works better than breastmilk. Cereal in his bottles works better than just formula. dr. browns bottles work better than all other bottles. keeping upright it better than laying down.

so for now, this is what my life has become. incessant wardrobe changes for baby b and i both. if you have seen four christmas, you probably found those scenes of projectile vomiting to be quite humorous. i laughed and almost cried at the same time.

time out. i need to first apologize to my dear little boy. brayden, let me just say that i am thankful you will never remember this stage in your life. formula is absolutely repulsive. in every aspect. not to mention your diapers are now blowouts that smell like a raw sewage infestation and your burps cause severe dry heaving for your victimized parents. you really are 'all boy!' don't worry, i got your daddy gagging while changing one of those blowouts on video. we will save it in order to show your future wife what she is in for when that day arrives. at least you remain content through all these traumatic episodes. your smiles and giggles help me keep my sanity. in the mean time, i'm sorry that this is all you can eat for the next couple of months. it will get better, i promise...or at least that's what i tell myself!