so pregnancy has been quite an interesting experience so far. every morning on my way into the office, i am asked the question of the day, "so how are you feeling today." Some days are better than others, but who ever coined the term morning sickness, either has no sense of time or was very blessed because it's not just a morning's an ALL DAY feeling. Not only do I feel like I'm going to get sick 90% of the day, but I'm exhausted! a girlfriend of mine today mentioned, "every time i see you, you look you don't feel well and your tired." DING DING DING! i think it's written all over my face. Sometimes, i just want to turn my office lights off and crawl under my desk. but no telling if i would actually wake up! i am at that point now though, that I'm ready for the full blown baby bump...."bump" mind you, not the 9 month mountain. Right now, my pants are just getting tight around the waist and i look like i've gained 10 pounds...even though i've only put on 5. Oh and I eat all the time!! That is the only thing that seems to help my nausea and not to mention i crave food all day long! No specific craving yet. jared used to say that maybe i would actually eat normal things when i was pregnant since i ate all the "pregnancy foods" then. and believe it or not, i have only have 2 pickles since i have been pregnant! so let's see, what other things have i been feeling....

Congrats Wes!! I'm so excited for you and Jared.
ps- I love your blog
-Katy (Frishkorn) Reese
Wesleyann and Raspberry-
You're so dang funny! I feel EVERY SINGLE OUNCE of your pain! My thing is,, I've lost about 7 or eight pounds, I have absolutely NO craving for sweets like i did before and that is probably the cause of my weight loss. I am eight weeks and one day along. Im about a week behind ya huh? I have this cool website that Im gonna forward to you.... Ill email it you at work. Hang in there! Jovina and Kidney Bean.
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