today has been yet another lazy day for jared and i...mainly consisting of naps. at this rate 6 weeks seems like an eternity away! I find myself singing "i will survive, hey, hey!" every now any in the knetzer household, jared and i have spent the past 2 weeks immersed in the political realm. as an american citizen i feel that is my civic responsibility to be well educated about american government and politics. the beginning of these past 2 weeks consisted of watching the democratic national convention. my political views are conservative however, i feel that it is important to know what goes on across the board...otherwise i'm making uninformed, uneducated and ignorant decisions. so, i spend that entire week listening to each speech...michelle obama, hilary, bill, biden and obama. hardly impressed to say the least. i'm always intrigued by obama's capability to captivate his audience. i've known people like him before. he's the kind of person who after listening to them speak about the sky being purple will walk away from the conversation seriously considering whether or not the sky really is purple! i'll give it to him, he's a very charismatic and captivating person. but i'm affraid that's as deep as it gets.
i'm pretty sure every american agrees that we are in need of serious change. however, i truly believe former mayor rudy giuliani said it best,
change is not a destination, just as hope is not a strategy (website)
jared and i listen to talk radio every now and then. one of the radio hosts conducted a survey in manhattan and interviewed individuals who were registered voters. all of them were obama supporters. what was most shocking about this interview was the fact that they do not know why they were voting for him other than for the reason of:
- getting the troops out of iraq(even if it is at the cost of loosing the war and our troops dying in vain)
- tired of paying $5/gallon for gas (even though not one of them knows what obama's energy plan consists of)
- they believe he is going to bring about change (even though obama doesn't have a political record nor has he ever actually brought about change....unless you consider helping people move out of asbestos infested homes as a community one of his spokesmen informed us).
with the announcement of sarah palin being on the mccain ticket as VP, there has been much excitement as well as controversy. funny how the questions she is interrogated with in the first week of her announcement, are questions not one person has asked obama in his 19 months of running for president. i don't have an issue with anyone questioning her political record and what her accomplishments have been, but is it really necessary to drag her 17 year old daughter through the mud or the fact that her husband had a dui 22 years ago. what about obama's admitted heavy drug use around the same time or his affiliation with criminals and communist fascists? i find it ironic that the party who supposedly is for the middle class and minorities, is berating one who is just that. perhaps their justification is due to the fact that she is a conservative and actually had her child even after finding out he had down syndrome.
after her speech at the rnc, she had the media in a tizzy as they stated her speech was full of pithy, hateful attacks on the obama/biden ticket. i'm sorry, but obviously they have a hard time accepting the truthful facts. last time i checked, sarah palin has more executive experience than obama and biden together and actually has a voting record that doesn't just say "present."

being a soon-to-be first time mother myself, i have never felt the need to be well informed as i have in this election. i've realized you have to be very careful's quite obvious who the media is rooting for. political brain washing. when it comes down to it, there is a huge difference in someone claiming to do great things and someone who has done great things. i want a president who is capable of bringing about change, not someone who has a hard time making a decision. voting 'present' as commander in chief won't do the trick. promising words are great, but it's time to really look at the facts.
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