"Beginning somewhere around the middle to end of your second trimester, your enlarging uterus swells enough to push your abdomen forward, making your navel pop out like a timer on a well-done turkey." - www.whattoexpect.comas insulting and scary as this may be, i have managed to make it 3 extra months without this happening....until now. it's true. i now look like a well done turkey who's timer as popped. accepting this realization required a long moment of silence....
i must look as though this baby is going to arrive any second. since it is such a beautiful day, i headed to my favorite work place, panera, as you all know. after sitting outside and working for a couple hours, i decided to take a walk around pier park and then head over to target to get a birthday present for one of the little girls i used to nanny.
timeout just for a moment....
kamryn is now 8 and in the 3rd grade. i called her mom to find out what she wanted for her birthday and much to my surprise i ended up getting her the jonas brothers cd since she already had the camp rock cd. since when did kamryn stop watching sponge bob and signing songs from the wiggles?! this growing up thing is going to be quite a struggle for me i 'm afarid!
anyways, walking around i had 5 people make comments about how i looked like i was ready to have this baby any day. perhaps the slow waddle and over sized belly gave it away. granted, i didn't take the time to get ready this morning. i look like a homely, unwed, knocked up woman. quite frankly, i don't care what i look like anymore! yesterday my feet were purple and i had kankles! these changes that i can so gratefully attribute to being pregnant are starting to freak me out! i just want to wear my normal skinny clothes again! i learned today, that when you are 9 months pregnant with ridiculously swollen feet, you are only torturing yourself when you walk through the doors of a shoe store. don't do it! i have a gap gift card and ended up having to use great restraint to just hold off a couple more weeks so that i can buy somewhat normal clothes again. thank goodness God has shown his mercy on me in the sense that i have not put on that much weight. perhaps with all this walking jared and i have been doing, i'll be in skinny clothes in no time.....i'm trying not to get my hopes up. only 16 more days!
3:03 PM
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