who would have thought that i would be able to keep my news years resolution of 2008. so here i sit 87 posts later in 2009 and still going strong...at times.
this past year has been a year of ups and downs, tears and laughter, but most of all a year of blessings and miracles. even though jared and i planned on having a baby in 2008, a year ago, it was something that was just a dream and hard to imagine what it would be like as a reality. with brayden actually hear and already 2.5 months old, i couldn't imagine life any differently.
the holiday festivities came and went faster than i could say "merry christmas". i could barely get out christmas cards! Let me just say, for those who make a holiday in and of it self with christmas cards, i commend you! this was our first year and we went the easy route: jared designed, snapfish printed, and out went our christmas postcards (who really cares about the envelope anyways....besides i thought i would give all your postmen something to look at!) I apologize if you did not receive one, we didn't plan very well and only ordered 50....i guess we know more people than we thought. i'll plan better for this year's christmas....that will be one of my resolutions.
as is everything in my family, there was never a dull moment this christmas and new years! poor baby b was passed around like a sack of potatoes and left tired and cranky. i'm sure if anyone is glad for the holiday season to be over, it is him, hands down!
in signing out, here is a rundown of my new years resolutions:
1. continue blogging - whether anyone reads or not (and as much as i had the word 'blog'), it helps me keep my sanity and is exciting to look through old posts and see how life has unfolded.
2. be more proactive - keeping the house clean and life in order as become quite the task...hopefully i'll be more on top of it this year. unfortunately, i no longer have the pregnancy card to play!
3. get in shape - as over rated as this is, i still have pounds to shed from the little blessing that pasted pounds on me the entire year of 2008.
4. take in every moment - now with a little one, i know time is precious and i want to enjoy every moment
5. work hard - i love my job and i want to grow and succeed
6. spent time with family - at the end of the day, they are all i have
7. live a life of passion - i desire to be passionate about my job, my family, life, and most importantly, Christ.
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