10:43 PM

and that's a wrap!

every weekend this month has been consumed with weddings. however this year, it is behind a lens......WHICH I LOVE!!!! i thought i loved weddings before...now they really do ROCK!

this past thursday, genya and i had the opportunity to step out from behind the cameras and do a little strutting of our own. kylene who owns Forever Photography out of Tallahassee, came over to our neck of the woods to play with us for a bit! let's just say she captured us in all our crazy glory! when genya and i saw the pictures we were amazed and fell absolutely in love with them! here are just a few quickies of me...check out a few of the others with both of us on her blog:


Kylene said...

I swear, I need to put your blog in my google reader. I always forget to check it! I didn't know you had posted these, I'm so glad you guys love them! I had a blast taking them too...you girls are the bestest!