10:07 PM

introducing little lulu

Meet our newest and smallest addition! Jared and I brought her home on Tuesday and have loved every minute. I pray that when we have a baby, they sleep as much as little lulu does!

11:53 PM

A life of passion and freedom

So here I am yet again at another bridal show...this time: Dallas, Texas. After waking up 30 minutes late, almost missing my flight by 2.5 minutes, getting harassed by TSA airport security, a broken zipper on my briefcase, spilling water and having to sit in wet jeans for an hour (and looking like I had wet my pants), 3 long flights, a dead cell phone without a charger, no GPS, getting lost in a city I have never been to and having to actually follow a taxi cab, having to actually pay for my hotel instead of it being free like my reservation was for and then them not accepting my credit card....lets just say yesterday was a never ending day that almost ended in my 4th consecutive day of mental breakdowns. If it wasn't for a long hot bath, Starbucks Calm Tazo Tea and the comfort of a Marriott Bed, I seriously might not have survived!

Even amidst the utter chaos yesterday, I found myself still sane while listening to John Mayer's new song Say on my ipod and thinking about the movie Jared and I went to see last night, P.S I Love You.

Talk about a tear jerker of a movie! This week has been one big emotional roller coaster so maybe that is what contributed to the flooding of tears while sitting in the theater. Who knows... but it really was a great movie...Jared said he even liked it!
Throughout the movie, there were many touching and tender moments...many that even made me wonder if I was watching mine and Jared's life reel across the screen. However, there was one quote in particular that really resonated with me towards the end.

You were born to create.

For those of you who know me, know that I am a thinker. My mind is constantly on the go. Whether it be thinking about what the next day entails or dreaming of what others might deem the impossible, my mind runs is severe overtime. Lately, I have been mapping out my future and when I heard this quote, it hit home for me. I was born to be a dream chaser. I don't want to look back on my life only to say "I wish I had...". I was born to create. Born to live a life of passion. Born to create and design, to create memories, to create life.

Sitting on the plane yesterday, I listened to the new John Mayer song Say, over and over again (I tend to do that often when I find a song I love). I always am amazed at how John can take such an ordinary, common, and every day concept and make it sound so profound. Say what you need to say is such a simple phrase, and yet very reflective. How many of us walk away only wishing we had said how we really felt? On the inside it's as if we are screaming the words our heart bleeds, but to the outsider all they hear may be silence.

Walkin like a one man army
Fightin with the shadows in your head
Living out the same old moment
Knowing you’d be better off instead
If you could only
Say what you need to say

Do you ever feel as if you are haunted by the words that never escaped from your lips...whether it be an I love you, an I'm sorry, or even just the truth? Sometimes I find myself fighting an inner battle wondering if I would have been better off just saying what I really wanted to say.

Don't get me wrong, it is always better to think before you speak. However, I think at the end of the day, it is better to say what you need to say than to keeping those feelings bottled up inside.

In conclussion, live everyday with passion and in freedom.

11:36 PM

puPpY oN ThE BrAIn

Jared and I are getting a puppy in a week or so and I'm ecstatic! She is absolutely precious! She's brown and has blue eyes. I'm not sure what we are going to name her just yet. I'm rather torn between Hazel or Lulu...and for some reason as funny as it may sound, I think little lulu is what just seems to stick. Jared isn't too happy about this, but I told him that I am going to dress her up and carry her in a bag!

I can't wait to bring her home!
...hopefully Callie learns to share the attention!

8:36 PM

***Driving Disclaimer

One more thing before I sign off.....

If I am on the road and you are driving a head of me and the speed limit is 45 mph....that means you better be driving 50 NOT 30! Until I moved here to Florida, I never experienced road rage like I do now. Yes, I know it is partially a personal problem, however there has to be a sense of responsibility at some point when you look in your rearview mirror and notice that there isn't just one, not two, but TEN cars riding your tail! And let me guess...when they pass you, you automaticly assume they are speading. Sorry to be the one to burst your supposed law abiding bubble, but they are passing you while still adhering to the speed limit!

I honestly believe that if the citizens of Panama City, Florida learned how to drive at least the speed limit or (I know I'm stepping out of the box on this one) even 5-7 over and not 10 under, the traffic would flow much easier and quicker! While I am on a roll...here are a couple more common sense driving tactics:
(***one more disclaimer: this is all in good fun! If you find yourself getting upset...well that's because you are probably the very person I am speaking about)

*the left lane is not meant for cruising or sight seeing. People who live here actually have places to be and could careless what Club La Vela's billboard reads or what new establishment is being built....most likely it is another bank.

* Do not drive along side another car creating a moving pick for all those who wish to pass your sorry, slow p.o.s. The left lane is for passing. Go back and read your drivers ed handbook, please.

* RED means STOP - it doesn't mean that if you don't really feel like stopping you can blow through the light after it has been red for 5 seconds.
* GREEN means GO - When the light changes look both ways and GO, don't sit there and contemplate whether you are going to go or not.
*Yellow mean GO Faster - because we all know that if you catch one red light in this town, you will catch every stinkin’ one (because this town likes to waste it's time on worrying about electronic billboards being a distraction rather than timing all the lights to minimize traffic)! If you are in front of me and the light turns yellow as soon as you approach, you better get your rear in gear and hightail it through that light or else you will see one pretty perturbed person (do I get extra points for my triple word alliteration?!) with flailing arms in your rearview mirror!

*The third lane on Hathaway bridge was not created to waste our tax dollars, but to actually be used! I make no apologies for passing all of you stopped, sitting suckers during rush hour.

*If you are stopped at a red light and in the right turning lane and there are not any car approaching in on coming traffic, you can make that right had turn (given there are not any NO TURN ON RED SIGNS present). Unless God decides to drop a quick one, there are not going to be any cars falling out of the sky hitting you, however I may lay a long horn on you.

*If a cop is driving amongst the flow of traffic, do not put on your breaks and start driving 5 under. If they pull you over for going 3 over the speed limit, then they obviously have nothing better to do with their time. I promise it is ok to pass them in the left lane...of course not in excessive speed.

*One more thing...just because you have an out of state tag or especially a Canadian tag does not entitle you to toss all common sense driving out the window! Driving the actual speed limit, using your blinker, staying within the lines, and not cruising in the left lane still does apply to you!

I hope with these few driving pointers I can actually make it to work tomorrow on time due to having jogged your memory with a short driving lesson!

8:18 PM


Before I ever even had the opportunity to meet this precious and dear person, my heart had already been captivated by her breathtaking photography! Scrolling through VUE Photography's photos is like being taken in by a good book....every picture captivates the soul leaving you only wanting more. For no other reason than pure obsession, I love clicking onto her blog. Awhile back, I came accross one of her blogs which still remains as one of my favorites. It was titled "why weddings rock" and everytime I read it, it brings a smile to my face....and even a couple giggles. From Genya's Vue, here is a little "snippit"...indulge yourself for a few minutes and allow yourself to laugh even if others are watching.....

WHy "wEddiNgs" RoCK..
*It's a great excuse for any girl to wear fake eyelashes……
*It's normal for wedding cake to be so tall it could easily tower over a small child....
*Because it's the first time since kindergarten your cool, if you wear underwear with your name on it.....
*You get a rush of adrenaline the moment before the bride takes her first step down the isle....
*Because good veils behave badly......
*Because little kids will always bust a move on the dance floor.....
*You get to wear unforgettable marrying shoes (if your the lucky Mr.and Mrs.)....

Tomorrow Genya is coming to Bay Point to do promotional shots....I can't wait! However before we do, us girls will be delighting ourselves at Andy's Flower Power Cafe for lunch!

VUE Photography

Genya's Blog

10:54 PM

One Soul Two Bodies

It's about that time...time to call it a day. It has been a long day but tomorrow will be even longer. Is it really even possible to work 15 hours non stop in one day? I guess only time will tell. And I am making sure to wear a pair of comfortable flats tomorrow!

As I look over to my left,what I see is nothing short of endearing. A boy and his dog. Jared has been is so much pain for the past week and I think he has taken up his residency on the leather chair and Callie has been by his side even what I couldn't be. Callie usually sleep along side our bed each night curled up on her little bed, but for the past week she curls up on the ottoman at Jared's feet and sleeps soundly. More than just a sweet dog, she is a good friend.

In loneliness, in sickness, in confusion - the mere knowledge of friendship makes it possible to endure, even if the friend is powerless to help. It is enough that they exist. Friendship is not diminished by distance or time, by imprisonment or war, by suffering or silence. It is in these things that it roots most deeply. It is from these things that it flowers. -Pam Brown-

2:37 PM

It's all about the bangs

I think we can all say we remember the 80's. Everything about the 80's was nothing but BIG. Big shoulder pads, Big loud prints, Big hair, and well Big Bangs. So is it really true, bangs are back in? Tell me...did I miss something?? If my memory serves me right, I still have nightmares from the days when I sported bangs and no one told me how bad they looked. For those of you who knew me even up to my freshman year of high school...you remember the bangs. For the most part mothers are always right....but not in the case of my bangs.

Or am I incorrect in my thinking. Perhaps. That is until I saw the lovely Reese Witherspoon wearing bangs like she was the greatest thing on earth. They looked perfect..not too short..not too thick...not too frizzy...not too puffy...but just right.

Maybe I need to get over my fear of reliving my dreadful bang days and take the plunge....

Maybe they weren't as bad as I remember because that was when I caught my husband's first glimpse...even with bangs and braces.

8:01 PM

Better Hands

So take this heart of mine

11:14 PM

Attentive Creator

It is late at night and I just came across this site while sitting here in the living room next to Jared as he sleeps listening to his heavy breathing: PersonalDNA

I was very impressed with their assessment of the type of person I am! They are pretty much right on target....I am

a Creator

  • Your imagination, confidence, willingness to explore, and appreciation of beauty make you a CREATOR.

  • You are independent, and you enjoy your self-sufficiency.

  • Defying convention, you are very innovative, and you have a vivid imagination.

  • The look of things is important to you, and you have a keen eye for aesthetic beauty in multiple arenas.

  • You have a strong interest in what is new and exciting—and that includes forging ahead with new ideas, not simply discovering what is already out there.

  • Your eagerness to seek new and varied experiences leads you into many different situations.

  • You're not set on one way of doing things, and you are creative when it comes to finding novel solutions to complex problems.

  • You trust yourself to be innovative and resourceful.

  • Your confidence allows you to take your general awareness and channel it into creativity.

  • You're not afraid to let your emotions guide you, and you're generally considerate of others' feelings as well.

  • You have a strong sense of style and value your personal presentation - friends may even seek your style advice from time to time

  • Attentive

  • Because you like spending time with others, understand their feelings, and often know what is best for them, you are ATTENTIVE.

  • Some people are merely concerned about others, but you take action, helping people when you have the opportunity.

  • Although you care about others, you are hesitant to trust them to act in the best way on their own.

  • You don't let your concerns with people go unnoticed: if someone has hurt your feelings, that person will hear about it.

  • People energize and excite you—you are able to have fun and be yourself when you're around others.

  • You also learn a lot about yourself by talking things out with people, even if you don't always share things that are important to you.

  • You have a strong sense of right and wrong, and you're not hesitant to express yourself.

  • Understanding the dynamics of a situation is an important skill that you have, and you often intervene to clarify things for others.

  • 11:46 PM

    Doctors, Nurses, Needles, Oh My....

    After a long 12 hour day of being at the hospital with Jared, I am now home alone and wishing I was back up there with him. Seeing him in pain and not being able to do a thing is a real struggle. I went there this morning thinking everything was going to be fine, but when I saw him after they had him prepped for surgery, I couldn't hold back the tears. Luckily, Jared was too "doped up" on drugs to notice. It was a good thing considering he didn't hear me flip out at the Doctor (or as I referred to him "The Ass Hole")...and well that would have been added stress he didn't need. My darling husband was too busy being freaked out by the fact that the ceiling was moving. Oh the things we say and never remember......

    They say that shoulder surgery is one of the worst because it takes so long to completely heal. I just want him to come home and be back to normal again. Having to work this week doesn't help with the situation much. At least it is almost over. Even though he is going to be in a lot of pain, I look forward to spending the next couple of cold and wintery days curled up on the couch watching movies together....with Callie of course!

    2:32 PM

    Southern Hospitality and Charm

    Saying that 2008 entered with a bang is quite an understatement! I am only into the 12th day of the new year and for the first time today, I am able to move forward in my new years resolution.

    Just about every year for as long as I can remember, it seemed to be that my new years resolution always consisted of getting into shape, eating healthy or something along the lines of personal wellness. Well this year, I am sticking with the trend, but rather than doing something that is good for the body, I am going to exercise and do what is good for the heart and soul; write or in today's lingo, "blog." 2007 was not a year that involved much writing, so I have decided to change that for 2008! I think 2008 is going to be a year full of challenges, excitement, and adventure!

    If you were to find me right now, you would find me nestled in a booth, in the corner of Panera, in one of my favorite cities, Birmingham, Alabama. In the past year, I have been to this cities more time than I have to my own hometown. And with every trip, I find that I fall more and more in love with this area. I think what warms my heart about this area is that it reminds me of being back home with it's rolling hill and breathtaking scenery, however it is a place that truly has captured the essence of southern hospitality and charm. It is a little city with a big, warm heart. I know this may sounds rather strange, but in all honesty, it doesn't matter if you are walking down the street or pumping gas, everyone is alway friendly and endearing.

    In a few minutes I'm about to head out to begin getting ready for the Great Southern Bridal Show. I'm not quite sure what it entails. All I do know is that when I looked through the Alabama Weddings Magazine , I began to feel that I may be a little out of my league. I'm beginning to think the brides in this area are kinda like the brides in Dallas with the theme, "Go Big, or Go Home!" I don't think I can even begin to describe what some of these weddings were like! These pictures put Platinum Weddings to shame! I'm excited for what tomorrow holds and hopefully the potential business it brings!

    I am now off to captivate one bride at a time!