11:46 PM

Doctors, Nurses, Needles, Oh My....

After a long 12 hour day of being at the hospital with Jared, I am now home alone and wishing I was back up there with him. Seeing him in pain and not being able to do a thing is a real struggle. I went there this morning thinking everything was going to be fine, but when I saw him after they had him prepped for surgery, I couldn't hold back the tears. Luckily, Jared was too "doped up" on drugs to notice. It was a good thing considering he didn't hear me flip out at the Doctor (or as I referred to him "The Ass Hole")...and well that would have been added stress he didn't need. My darling husband was too busy being freaked out by the fact that the ceiling was moving. Oh the things we say and never remember......

They say that shoulder surgery is one of the worst because it takes so long to completely heal. I just want him to come home and be back to normal again. Having to work this week doesn't help with the situation much. At least it is almost over. Even though he is going to be in a lot of pain, I look forward to spending the next couple of cold and wintery days curled up on the couch watching movies together....with Callie of course!