4:28 PM

green...not my favorite color

i am officially 12 weeks. perhaps under different circumstances i might be rejoicing for various reasons:

A. no more morning sickness
B. i can officially announce that we are having a baby...yes i know, i broke the rule!
C. i shouldn't have to frequent the bathroom as often (especially in the middle of the night....it seriously is messing with my sleeping habits!)...for the time being
D. more energy! for the past 12 weeks i have felt as though i have ran a 5k marathon daily. it's as if i need tooth picks to keep my eye lids propped open!
E. i can now take medicine for the ridiculous allergies the weather and this baby have caused

however, i am frustrated and quite irritated! since friday i have felt like i was hit my a 5 ton truck after a night of binge drinking. i suppose i jinxed myself because for awhile i began to think, "man i'm doing pretty well! i'm pulling this pregnancy thing off almost in an effortless manner....i think i have this down pat!" yes, yes, go ahead and just say it, "oh you naive and ignorant child....just wait 4 more months and then see if you feel the same way." being 12 weeks pregnant, in my mind, almost seemed comparable to a senior in highschool. you know, once you're a senior you can do certain things and you have certain freedoms....privileges i stated above. well i am here to tell you at 12 weeks, those supposed freedoms and privileges are all lies! i have felt the worst in the past 3 days then i have my entire pregnancy! for those of you who have never had the privilege and joy of sitting sprawled out on a public bathroom floor with your head in a toilet....let me just tell you once and for all...it is no walk in the park! note to those who use public restrooms: the little paper toilet seat covers that are usually located on the walls are there for a reason....please use them....and if not for any other reason other than the fact that there might be a nauseated, waddling pregnant lady with hot flashes coming in after you! i hope i never again have to experience the horrid things i had to wipe off that toilet seat!
amidst all my nauseous adversity, i still have high hopes that "this to shall pass." only problem is...i can now add intense dizziness to my list.

But don't look now (though — considering the symptom — maybe you should), there's a new one added to the mix: dizziness. And guess who's to blame? Yup — it's your old friend progesterone again, which causes your blood vessels to relax and widen, increasing the flow of blood to your baby (again, good for baby), but slowing the return of blood to you (as always, not so good for mom). Less blood flow to you means lower blood pressure and reduced blood flow to your brain. All of these can contribute to that light-headed, dizzy feeling — especially when you get up too quickly — which is why slow and steady wins the race against dizziness.

great. thank you. last time i checked, i didn't have a friend with the name progesterone. as if hot flashes, memory loss, digestion problems, nausea, exhaustion, etc. weren't enough, we have to add dizziness to the ongoing list of misery. i have never been a server for the very reason of being accident prone. dizziness for one who trips over their own two feet on a daily basis can only lead to complete and utter devastation. i'll let you know how that works out!

only 6 more months until baby "plum" arrives but until then, i have lulu to snuggle with!


Jovina and Bill said...

oh no! That really stinks that you are feeling so yucky lately! I can not beleive that you have to vomit in the public bathrooms at work! Poor Wesleyann! I carry little bags with me in my car that work perfectly! Thank goodness we have a private bathroom at work that our cleaning lady keeps VERY clean! As for the dizziness, I called my Dr. yesterday cause my dizziness the last 4 days has gotten pretty bad,,, not fun huh? They were thinking my BP was low so they asked that I go today to walgreens to check it out and call them. We shall see. I hope u feel better soon. I have only puked once today so far! Yippee! :)