it is after 10 PM on a sunday night and for most people they are winding down for the night getting ready for another week. i on the other hand have been craving pancakes for the past 2 hours. so here you have it....
jared and i just finished watching Dan in Real Life and in the movie they were making pancakes. that is all it now my darling husband is in the kitchen making pancakes. of course we don't have the pancakes in a box, so he is making them from scratch...hence the laptop in the kitchen. all day i have have been having cravings and each time we haven't had anything in the jared has already make 2 trips, one for a greek salad and another for milk, and orange juice. i don't know what my deal is but i cant seem to drink enough milk and oj.....and when it's gone, i just about have a panic attack! anyways, as sweet as jared is, there was a catch....i had to finished putting all the laundry away. and well, my job is completed and so i wait on my pancakes...
Thursday jared and i went to the doctor and when the nurse asked me to get on the scale......i hesitated...and then took off everything i possibly could,shoes, jacket, bracelet and all, to ensure that the nurse was getting as accurate weight. i was very convinced the scale was going to read that i had put on 10 pounds in just 4 weeks. Jokingly, i said that to the nurse trying to make the truthful blow that was soon to take a hit a little softer. when i heard the nurse mention that i have only put on a total of 3 1/2 pounds during my pregnancy, i think my heart skipped a beat. for all the food i consume on a daily basis, this baby must consume 90% of it....or it could be all the liquids and frequent bathroom trips. whatever it may be, all i have to say is "thank you Jesus!!"
our doctor visit as a whole was exciting as we heard our baby's heartbeat for the first time. as i heard the tiny, fast beating little heart, i feel deeply in love with someone i have never seen and i could feel the smile on my face begining to glow. to think something so small and only 11 weeks old could have such a strong heartbeat is such a miracle. you always wonder what it is going to be like to heart your baby's heart beach for the first time. I didn't cry....until later. while in my car, the song fingerprints of God by Steven Curtis Chapman came on
I can see the fingerprints of god
When I look at you
I can see the fingerprints of god
And I know its true
You're a masterpiece
That all creation quietly applauds
And you're covered with the fingerprints of god
Never has there been and never again
Will there be another you
Fashioned by gods hand
And perfectly planned
To be just who you are
And what hes been creating
Since the first beat of your heart
Is a living breathing priceless work of art
When I look at you
I can see the fingerprints of god
And I know its true
You're a masterpiece
That all creation quietly applauds
And you're covered with the fingerprints of god
Never has there been and never again
Will there be another you
Fashioned by gods hand
And perfectly planned
To be just who you are
And what hes been creating
Since the first beat of your heart
Is a living breathing priceless work of art
the baby's heart was beating 162 beats per minute.....i told jared that all the signs are pointing to the possibility of a little girl. jared might be purchasing those sparkle passifiers sooner than he would like! we will hopefully know at our next appointment.
off i go to enjoy my much anticipated pancakes and orange juice!!
off i go to enjoy my much anticipated pancakes and orange juice!!
SOOOOO happy for you guys! Our next apt is next week, right at the 12 week mark and hopefully we can hear the heartbeat too! The song lyrics that you posted made me cry (ofcourse) they are very pretty lyrics! How were your pancakes,,, I have had no cravings other than boxed mac and cheese,, gross huh?
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