now that i am 21 weeks, it is evident that there is a growing baby inside and not just pounds of fat from excess eating. i have learned that along with the noticeable baby bump also comes imposing questions and unwelcoming touches.
today before coming to work, i stopped at pier park for my weekly fix of panera and then headed to target to buy a couple of comfortable knit dresses for work. there is no way i am wearing anything else in this muggy, miserable 90+ degree weather! if i have to be on my feet for endless hours in this heat while carrying a little one inside, you better believe that comfort is my number one priority! anyways, after finding 3 cute, comfortable and yet stylish dresses, i made my way to the checkout line. the girl checking me out made a comment that the dresses were very cute and perfect for summer. i responded "and perfect for a pregnant lady!" out of no where this older woman standing behind me in line, who you could tell was a chain smoker by her voice and the stench that surrounded her, says, "do you plan on breastfeeding?"
WHAT??? WHAT DID YOU JUST ASK ME? excuse me ma'am, but last time i checked, that is a personal and private question which quite frankly is none of your business!!! especially coming from someone who for all i know could be some kind of sicko!
being the polite person i am, i turned around and gave her the most possibly awkward face i could muster and kindly responded, "well, i'm not quite sure just yet." WRONG ANSWER! feeling it was her place to tell me the importance and the benefits of breastfeeding, she proceeded. feeling incredibly awkward, i tried to divert the conversation from further interrogation. i'm sorry but i don't care nor do i need to know that your daughter still uses the pump to feed her 1 year old daughter and even has a special room! SICK! didn't your mother ever teach you that there are certain things you keep to yourself....especially when it involves STRANGERS!
speaking of strangers and crossing the line, what is it about people thinking that just because a lady is pregnant they have been given the right to intrude one's personal space and touch the bump??? unless you are invited, do not touch! i didn't like people touching my stomach uninvited pre-pregnancy and the same still stands....unless we are on a very close first name, bff basis! i think my next maternity investment will be this shirt!

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